
Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day

so i know this is now technically Saturday and i should have posted already but i watched Dance of the Dead, House of the Dead, and Insanitorium. Only one of them was good, take a guess.

Anyway today was my last day interning at Newgrounds. very sad to leave. but hey, i can visit them any time. So i managed to wrap up most of the game. I think programming its 99& done, just some final adjustments but i don't think i'll add any mechanics. then i'll work on more buildings to destroy so that should be up some time next week.

i brought in muffins for the gang but Jose, Rob, Josh and Mike had taken the day off and Stamper left when i got in. Sucks for them, my mom's muffins rule. We went out to lunch at Kitchen Bar. I tried to explain my goofy Quaker school graduation to them. Its weird because I never think about it anymore but its so different than anywhere else. we got on the topic of Disney World which Jeff says sucks and told us about how as a kid he accidentally grabbed a cockroach there and it ruined him for life. He argues for universal as more fun. Bob figures both are fine. We talked a lot about amusement parks that allow you to frighten or attack children. Tom mentioned someplace where you can shoot balls at kids and Tim mentioned the scuba tanks in Disney where you can freak out the kids eating by them.

Tim and Tom went to get their pictures taken so Tyler, Luis and I had to cram in the backseat with Bob driving and Jeff comfortably in shotgun. Bob had told us this ridiculous story about this dude and then Luis told us a really funny story about the same dude which i'm afraid to type in case of the person it was about ever finds this. But it sent Bob into a hilarious fit about wondering if gout is like herpes and how so many people have herpes simplex one and fearing that one day he will have both. Jeff also told a funny story about the same dude playing Red Dead Redemption and leaving to buy a new mic. And then Jeff throwing dynamite at him when he got back. I wanna make that a cartoon cause its fucking hilarious.

anyway, my time at NG has been eye opening. its amazing how much about the site i was able to learn. so for everyone who thinks they are slackers and that NG has lost it, those dudes work hard. Theres no place else to go but up for them and theres a lot of good stuff coming down the line so hold on to your butts as Samuel L Jackson in Jurassic Park would say.

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